Yearbook on the Law of the Sea (YLoS)


aaaASCOMARE Yearbook on the Law of the Sea 

The Yearbook on the Law of the Sea (YLoS) is a publication of the “Associazione di Consulenza in Diritto del Mare” (ASCOMARE) designed to promote a comparative and informed dialogue on cutting-edge and interdisciplinary topics related to the law of the sea. 

The editorial project started in 2021, with a kick-off Volume centering on ‘Law of the Sea, Interpretation and Definitions.’ The initiative was supported by the Brazilian Institute for the Law of the Sea (BILOS) and the Norwegian Center for the Law of the Sea (NCLOS), as well as by renowned law of the sea scholars and legal practitioners, including public int’l law professors and judges of int’l courts and tribunals. 

The YLoS strives to serve as a tool to support the work of lawyers, judicial bodies, policy makers, legal practitioners and researchers in the field of the law of the sea. In addition, the YLoS seeks to enable knowledge-sharing, while providing students, NGOs and the private sector with an additional means to develop a uniform understanding of the corpus of rules of international law governing maritime spaces and activities.

In line with the goal of ASCOMARE to promote knowledge-sharing, and facilitate a uniform understanding of the law of the sea in all the regions of the world, the YLoS will be available (in English) in a digital open-access version. Open-access allows readers, North and South, to get access to academic knowledge that is normally available behind large paywalls. Next to the online open-access version, a paper version of the YLoS will also be available for sale.

For any questions, please contact Ms Chiara Pavesi (YLoS Coordinator) or send an email to